Major events of the war excerpted from Star Trek Charts.
The Cardassian Union joins the Dominion, and a massive Jem'Hadar military buildup begins on Cardassia Prime. The Vorta negotiate nonaggression pacts with the Romulan Star Empire, Tholian Assembly, Miradorn, and Bajor.
Starfleet mines the entrance to the Bajoran Wormhole to prevent Dominion Reinforcements, and Federation and Klingon forces launch an assault against the Dominion shipyards on Torros III. In response, Cardassian Forces capture Deep Space 9.
Jem'Hadar and Cardassian forces continue to inflict heavy casualties on the Federation and Klingon fleets. Of the 112 starships of the Federation Seventh Fleet, 98 are destroyed in the Battle of Tyra.
Federation and Klingon forces launch Operation Return with the specific aim of recapturing Deep Space 9 and re-establishing control over the Wormhole. The Dominion are able to destroy the minefield before their lines can be broken, but the USS Defiant enters the wormhole and prevents Dominion reinforcements from crossing through from the Gamma Quadrant. Without the reinforcements the Dominion lines collapse and the allies retake Deep Space 9.
Dominion forces invade Betazed. After uncovering evidence that the Dominion intends to invade Romulan space, the Romulan Star Empire joins the alliance against the Dominion. Romulan forces drive the Jem'Hadar from Benzar
Dominion forces occupy the Kalandra Sector. In one of the war's major turning points, Federation, Klingon and Romulan forces destroy the Cardassian orbital weapons platform at Chin'toka, landing ground troops on Cardassian territory.
The Seventh Fleet launches a new offensive on the Kalandra Sector after determining that Dominion forces are vulnerable there. Starfleet and Jem'Hadar troops battle for control of subspace communications relay AR-558.
The Breen Confederacy allies itself with the Dominion, and Breen weaponry proves devastating to allied defenses. Breen forces launch an attack on Earth, causing serious damage to the city of San Francisco and Starfleet Headquarters.
A Cardassian popular and military uprising prompts Dominion forces to withdraw to Cardassia Prime, where 800 million civilians are slaughtered. The allied fleets launch their final assault on Cardassia Prime, bringing the war to an abrupt end.