Cities native to the DC Universe are listed in red.
- Blüdhaven, NJ: home of Nightwing
- Calvin City, CT: home of the Golden Age Atom
- Civic City, PA: location of the first headquarters of the Justice Society of America
- Cloister, VT: former home of Prince Ra-man
- Crossroads, NY: home of the Sovereign Seven
- Empire City, MA: former home of the Golden Age Manhunter (Paul Kirk). Empire City was the setting for the Guardians RPG campaign.
- Fairfax, ME: former home of Chris King and Vicki Grant (Dial-H for Hero)
- Gotham City, NJ: home of the Batman
- Happy Harbor, RI: location of the Secret Sanctuary (the original headquarters of the Justice League and current home to Young Justice); also the hometown of Snapper Carr and the base of operations for the robotic Hourman
- Ivy Town, CT: home of the Atom (Ray Palmer), who teaches at Ivy University
- Metropolis, NY: home of Superman
- New Carthage, NY: location of Hudson University, where Dick Grayson (Robin I/Nightwing) attended university; also the hometown of Amy Winston (Princess Amethyst)
- New York City, NY: home to Green Lanter (Kyle Rayner), Guy Gardner (Warrior), and the headquarters for the Department of Extra-normal Operations (DEO). Former home of the New Teen Titans and the Justice League International. New York City was the setting for the Justice Inc. RPG campaign.
- Opal City, MD: former home of Starman (Jack Knight), now home to the Elongated Man