The Unknowns were social misfits and outcasts gathered together by the enigmatic V. They operated in the shadows of
Superior City and did not receive the public attention the city's other
contemporary heroes, the Centurions, got. They tended to fight more
esoteric foes and often found themselves wanted by the authorities and
despised by the public. The team effectively ended when the members were killed or disappeared during the
Legends crisis.
Nothing is known of the mysterious figure known as V. It is unclear if he even possessed any powers and few people can
remember any details about him. V has been likened to the urban myth of the Men in Black. It was V who organized the
Unknowns, appearing out of nowhere to recruit the other members to combat the threat of the
Mist Demon. He would lead the team from that point on, calling
the group together whenever a threat needing their attention appeared. V was allegedly killed by a Warhound during
the Legends crisis at the same time
Paragon was but his body was never found.
V appeared to be a normal human, usually garbed in the stereotypical government agent clothing of a black suit and tie
with a pair of sunglasses. V was a skilled tactician and detective, leading the team in the field despite an apparent lack
of superhuman abilities. V also had access to an extensive intelligence network, which he would leverage to identify threats
he felt the Unknowns were best suited to dealing with.
- Alter Ego: Norman Blanchard
Norman Blanchard was a scientist working for a chemical company when an accident transformed him into a living cloud of
chemicals. He was able to approximate a human shape but if his concentration lapsed he would begin to lose form, reverting
to a cloud. He was living in isolation in a rundown apartment building when V recruited him into the Unknowns, where Norman
became known as Haze, aka the Gaseous Man. Haze was apparently killed when his gaseous body was dispersed by an Apokoliptian
weapon during the Legends crisis.
The accident turned Norman into a living cloud. Haze's body was no longer solid, rather it existed in a semi-coherent
gaseous state. He could manipulate his aerosol form, from maintaining a human shape to spreading out like a fog over a
wide area. As a gas, Haze could pass through any barrier as long as there was even the smallest opening through which his
body could flow. Most importantly, Haze could alter his molecular structure, though his form always remained a gas. This
meant that he could transform himself into a smoke screen to hide his teammates, a knockout gas to incapacitate enemies, or
other more esoteric chemicals as the situation required. Haze could generally reform his body if the gaseous form was
dispersed, but there appears to have been an upper limit as evidenced by the circumstances of his apparent death.
Aaron Jones was a regional boxing champion stripped of his title when his powers were revealed. He accidentally killed
another fighter and was forced to go on the run. He went underground, hiding from the authorities as well as organized crime
figures who had been the backers of the boxer Aaron had killed. V tracked him down and convinced Aaron he could make up for
his past by being a hero. Aaron became Knockout and served as a member of the Unknowns for all of the team's existence,
wearing a mask to keep his identity a secret. When most of the Unknowns were killed during the
Legends crisis Knockout and Midnight went into hiding and eventually became
part of the Dark City. Since taking up residence in the Dark City, Knockout has
made a living fighting in the underground arena there.
Knockout possesses superhuman strength and resilience. He also has a rapid healing factor, and a sixth sense that warns
him of incoming attacks. Aaron is a trained boxer, and has expanded his fighting skills with new styles since he started
fighting in the arena in the Dark City.
Jamie Parker, the man who would become Midnight, was born with a rare disorder that made his eyes overly sensitive to light.
In normal lighting he was virtually blind but could see perfectly well in dark and near-dark conditions. In his late teens he
developed his darkness powers and this drove him to isolate himself from others. Jamie remained isolated from the world until
he was recruited by V into the Unknowns. V christened the young man Midnight, and he fought alongside the Unknowns until the
team's unfortunate end.
Jamie's throat was slashed during a clash with an anti-hero mob during the Legends
crisis. When most of his teammates were killed during the crisis, Midnight fled with Knockout and eventually became part of the
Dark City. Midnight recently fought against the
Enforcers of Justice when he sided with the
Ultra-Humanite during the Globe of Darkness incident. After Ultara's defeat Jamie
was taken back into the Dark City to be punished.
As Midnight, Jamie has the power to project a field of impenetrable darkness. He could shape this darkness to any form he
desired, and could even solidify parts of it to use as a melee or ranged weapon. Midnight's blindness was actually due to an
abnormal sensitivity to normal wavelengths of light. In near or pitch darkness he can see perfectly. Since his throat was
slashed Jamie has learned some sign language. Jamie also learned some First Aid skills while he was with the Unknowns.
The Orion Multifunction Nano-Intelligence (O.M.N.I.) was a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence built by the Orion
Robotics Corporation. The robot was intended to be a soldier for the Army, but it developed fully independent thought,
including a conscience. Not wanting to be used as a killing machine, O.M.N.I. fled its creators and went into hiding where
it was found and recruited by V. Eventually the robot gained some rights after a major court case, but they did it little
good when a mob tore it to pieces during the Legends crisis.
O.M.N.I. was an artificial intelligence with a body designed to serve as a robot soldier. Its body possessed superhuman
strength, mounted jets to allow flight, and was constructed of a metallic alloy designed to resist bullets and high
explosives like grenades and landmines. After the Unknowns' first battle with the
Mist Demon, O.M.N.I. developed the ability to shift its robotic
body partially out of dimensional phase, which allowed it to pass through all but the densest of materials. O.M.N.I. also
possessed enhanced sight and hearing. Though it was initially programmed with the ability to operate a wide variety of
weapons as well as with lethal hand-to-hand combat styles, O.M.N.I. actively suppressed these abilities most of the time
and only resorted to violence when it had no other choice.