The Soldiers of Anarchy and The Protectors were teams of super-villains who were an integral part of a decades-long plan by former Nazis to create a Fourth Reich. To draw attention away from the final stages of the plan the appointed leader of the new Reich, Philip Adler, created two groups to distract the super-hero community.


The first group was the Soldiers of Anarchy, a team of alleged anarchist metahumans with no discernable agenda other than the spread of chaos.The membership of the Soldiers of Anarchy was a mixture of neo-Nazi and white supremacist metahumans, and a few of the Nazi super-soldiers who had survived the decades since the fall of the Third Reich in suspended animation. To hide the true agenda of the Soldiers of Anarchy, each of the members was given a new costumed identity, so the heroes would not recognize them.

The Soldiers of Anarchy played a major role in the Revelations crisis. After their defeat and capture, the team effectively ceased to exist. With no central cause to hold the members together they went their separate ways, most have resumed their original villainous identities.

The members of the Soldiers of Anarchy were:


More insidious than the Soldiers of Anarchy were Adler's second group. This team of metahumans was established to infiltrate and eventually betray the super-hero community. Like the Soldiers, this team was made up of Nazi and neo-Nazi villains with new identities, but unlike their allies these villains were pretending to be heroes. With a series of impressive victories in (staged) fights with super-villains, the Protectors gained the trust of the hero community during the Revelations crisis, when they could use all the help they could find. The Protectors revealed their true nature near the end of the crisis, when they murdered the hero Balance and turned on their supposed allies, the heroic Guardians.

The members of the Protectors were: