The Slaughterhouse Seven are a team of some of the most dangerous super villains to ever plague Superior City. The team was formed around Carnage, a former hero who turned on the city and assembled a team of allies to cause chaos. The team was first known as the Slaughterhouse Five and consisted of Carnage, the psionic Psychotrope, brutal thug Headstrong, the bizarre Doublespeak, and the alien refugee Astra. This group waged a war against Superior City, cutting a path of destruction that was only stopped when the city's heroes combined forces against them, joined by Astra who switched sides when she realized she had been deceived by Carnage and Psychotrope. The incident convinced the heroes that working with each other would help them better protect the city and so they decided to stay together, so was born the Centurions.

The four remaining villains were incarcerated, but escaped prison and set out to exact revenge on Superior City. They recruited three new members; the poisonous Serpentina, alien warrior robot Iron Dreadnought, and the insane Crazyface. Now calling themselves the Slaughterhouse Seven they launched an all-out assault against the city and the Centurions. The battle cause large amounts of damage and although the heroes eventually prevailed it was at a great price, the battle having cost Astra her life.

The Seven were once again incarcerated, placed in the most secure holding areas in Mercy Island Prison. There they remained until the detonation of the Dominator Gene Bomb during the alien Invasion. The Gene Bomb affected Psychotrope's powers, altering them in a way such that the drugs and power dampening equipment that kept him in check were no longer completely effective in suppressing his psychic abilities. Psychotrope was able to make telepathic contact with Carnage and the pair began to plot.

Within a few months Psychotrope was able to extend his influence and take mental control of several key members of the prison staff. Soon the Slaughterhouse Seven were free, but Carnage was not planning on yet another spree of destruction because he had deeper plans. Carnage was angered that the Centurions had apparently all been killed in the time since the Seven had been incarcerated. Since he was robbed of the opportunity to kill them himself, Carnage had a different plan – he would make everyone forget the heroes had ever existed.

Despite his power even Psychotrope could not affect an entire metropolis, so Carnage designed technology that could amplify the psychic commands to make people forget about the Centurions, and about the Slaughterhouse Seven as well. A small group of loyal mind-controlled minions set out and began installing the technology in cellular broadcast towers around the Superior City area. Once they were done the devices were activated, creating a field covering hundreds of square miles that would cause everyone inside it to forget about the Centurions and about the Slaughterhouse Seven, effectively erasing any knowledge about the early years of super heroes in the city during the Modern Heroic Age.

With all knowledge about himself and the rest of the Seven effectively erased, Carnage set about the next phase of his plan. By now he had complete control of Mercy Island Prison and he began construction of a hidden base directly beneath the prison itself. He also began building an army of super-villains, recruiting from the prison populace many who had now also been forgotten by the world outside because they had been foes of the Centurions. Recruits were generally given the option to join voluntarily or be brainwashed by Psychotrope; after an example was made of the first few who refused the others tended to go voluntarily.

While Carnage was building his army a new generation of heroes took up residence in Superior City, starting with the latest Renegade and the New Enforcers of Justice and followed soon after by the New Adventurers. This new wave of heroes forced Carnage to alter his plans slightly, but this only delayed things for a short time. Within a year he was ready to strike, expanding his army by forcibly brainwashing members of the police and armed forces as well as more common street criminals to serve as footsoldiers. When all was ready Carnage unleashed his revenge against Superior City, seizing complete control over the city and cutting it off from outside aid. It took the combined power of all of the heroes of Superior City, including the surprise return of some of the Centurions, to thwart the scheme and defeat Carnage and the Seven once again (see Total Carnage for details of Carnage's plot and the fight to stop it).

The Slaughterhouse Seven are once again imprisoned in Mercy Island Prison, which has been restored and upgraded with help from S.T.A.R. Labs and the D.E.O. with all trace of Carnage's influence scrubbed.




After their success with Apex, Sector 10 decided to use the data from his creation to try and refine the process. A new candidate was selected, an ex-Special Forces soldier named Jordan Straite, and he was subjected to the updated process, which was designed to enhance mental as well as physical attributes. The experiment appeared to be a success and Straite, aka experimental subject codename Prodigal, was given super intelligence as well as physical powers like those that Apex received.

Sector 10 rushed their newest hero out into public, and not a moment too soon it seemed as a mysterious new villain calling himself Carnage was threatening Superior City. Carnage seemed to be as powerful as Apex and Prodigal, and seemed equally adept at evading the heroes. Then Carnage appeared with a group of villains by his side, and the so-called Slaughterhouse Five began a reign of terror across the city. Prodigal was nowhere to be found, and Carnage intimated that he had already dealt with the city's newest hero just as he would soon deal with Apex. To face this threat Apex joined forces with the other heroes of the city, and even then it was only the turning of Slaughterhouse Five member Astra to the side of good that tipped the scales in favor of the heroes. Once the remaining members of the Slaughterhouse Five were defeated the shocked heroes discovered that the maniacal Carnage was none other than Prodigal.

The jury is still out on whether Jordan Straite was a psychopath before Sector 10 experimented on him or if it was the modified process that caused him to become one. In either case Sector 10 had inadvertently unleashed a maniac with the power of a god onto the world. Carnage did not take his defeat well and swore vengeance against Superior City and especially against Apex and his fellow heroes, now united as a team calling themselves the Centurions. Carnage would escape along with his allies and, with some new blood added, attacked the city and its heroes as the Slaughterhouse Seven.

Defeated and incarcerated again Carnage waited patiently for his next opportunity, only to have part of his vengeance denied by the apparent demise of Apex and the other Centurions due to other circumstances. Carnage still burned with a desire to make Superior City pay, however, and with the help of his Slaughterhouse Seven teammate Psychotrope he was able to secretly take control of Mercy Island Prison. From a secret lair built beneath the prison Carnage used technology and Psychotrope's power to make all of Superior City forget about the Centurions and their enemies, including himself. Working unobstructed and in secret Carnage assembled a super-villain army and when he was ready he unleashed it on Superior City. His forces swiftly took control of the entire city, but they were opposed by the city's newer heroes. Even then Carnage proved almost too powerful for them, and he was finally defeated by the surprise return of his archenemy Apex, reborn as the hero called Aegis.

Carnage is back in Mercy Island Prison, which has been freed from his control. His desire for vengeance burns brighter than ever though, especially now that Apex has returned.


Like it did for his predecessor Apex, the Sector 10 process granted Carnage superhuman strength and resilience, superhuman speed, and the power of flight. His senses were also enhanced, granting him telescopic vision and the ability to see in wavelengths beyond those of normal humans; and improved hearing that could perceive sounds in frequencies outside the usual range as well as pick up sounds over large distances. Carnage could also emit powerful laser-like beams of energy from his eyes.

The process also increased Carnage's intelligence and willpower to superhuman levels. Combined with his superspeed this let Carnage quickly learn a number of scientific and technical skills, which he added to his repertoire that already included the military tactics and weapons training he had received in the Special Forces.

Also like Apex, Carnage does appear to be vulnerable to exposure to electromagnetic energy frequencies that match those emitted by the exotic extraterrestrial meteor that was used in the experiments that gave the two their powers. The closest Earth-based analog to these frequencies appears to the Uranium-234 isotope. Unlike Apex though, Carnage also appears to be susceptible to psionic attacks, having a lower threshold of resistance to them despite his enhanced intellect and willpower. This is believed to be a side effect of the refined process that gave him those enhanced mental abilities.




Henson Jirida is one of the most powerful telepaths on the planet. When he was a child Hanson realized he had the ability to get people to do what he wanted. As he grew older his mental powers expanded and he learned to read others' minds. Setting himself up as a carnival psychic, Henson would use his mental powers to rob his customers while making them forget about the robbery. If anyone annoyed or threatened him, Henson would plant suggestions to cause the person to do things that would cause them harm or suffering. One day a wealthy industrialist visited the carnival with his children and when Henson read his mind he learned that the man was embezzling from his company. Henson used this information to blackmail the man, and when he was done he used his power to compel the man to confess. That was when Henson graduated from the small time to becoming a full-time criminal.

Taking the name Psychotrope started using his powers to continue to commit robbery and blackmail, but now he was doing it to millionaires and politicians instead of the rubes coming to carnival. He also discovered his powers were still expanding and he soon graduated into a full supervillain. Coming to Superior City, Psychotrope found himself going up against the hero Paragon. Despite Paragon's lack of powers he was able to consistently outsmart and thwart Psychotrope's schemes. When Carnage was recruiting his Slaughterhouse Five team, Psychotrope was the first person he contacted.

Even as part of the Slaughterhouse Five, and the later Slaughterhouse Seven, Psychotrope continued his personal criminal career. His powers changed again when the Dominator Gene Bomb detonated and he gained the ability to psychically project his consciousness, becoming a disembodied presence that could pass through almost any barrier. This is how he was able to reach beyond his cell and facilitate his and Carnage's escape from Mercy Island Prison. After this he became an integral part of Carnage's latest plan to take revenge on Superior City and its heroes. After this scheme was thwarted Psychotrope was once again imprisoned.


Psychotrope possesses a wide array of powerful psychic abilities. His earliest ability, and the one he has most refined, is the ability to control the will of others. This can range from planting hypnotic-like suggestions to fully mentally dominating a person and controlling them like a puppet. His powers later expanded to include telepathy, which he could use to communicate mentally with others and to also read their emotions, thoughts, and memories. The last power of his to develop naturally was telekinesis, which allows him to physically move objects with his mind. Psychotrope has refined this ability to allow himself to generate a personal force field for his protection. With extreme concentration he can actually teleport items from one place to another. So far this seems to be limited to inanimate objects of relatively small size.

After his exposure to the Gene Bomb detonation Psychotrope gained a number of abilities that involve psychic senses. He gained clairvoyance, the ability to perceive far off locations as if he was present there, as well as the ability to see through illusions. Psychotrope has also gained a sixth sense that warns him when he is in immediate or imminent danger. The ultimate expression of his new psychic senses is the ability for Psychotrope to psychically project himself, sending his consciousness out from his body as a disembodied form. This psychic astral projection is like a ghost that can float invisibly, traveling far from the host body and allowing Psychotrope to be present somewhere remote while remaining virtually undetectable. When he does this Psychotrope's mental powers operate as if was at the remote location where his projection is.

Psychotrope has also learned to turn his powerful psychic abilities inward, giving him the power of mind over matter with his own body. By force of will alone Psychotrope can resist fire, purge his body of toxins, slow his natural processes to enter something like a state of suspended animation, and even heal injuries.

Psychotrope also possesses a photographic memory and is able to recall anything he has witnessed in perfect detail. This includes thoughts and memories he has read from others, a useful talent for his blackmail enterprises.




Frank Newsome was a garden variety thug who aspired to be an exceptional thug. He saved up the money he was earning by breaking legs for syndicates and inflicting other forms of violence for pay, found a mad scientist, and paid the man to give him super powers. The combination of exotic chemicals and radiation treatments the scientist gave him paid off and Frank was transformed into an 8-foot tall 500 pound brute with steel-hard skin.

Frank immediately began using his powers to commit even more violent crimes, taking the name Headstrong from his favorite tactic of head-butting opponents. His favorite gimmicks were smash-and-grab jobs where he would literally smash through walls and vault doors to break in to places and rob them. Headstrong would throw manhole covers, dumpsters, cars or anything else heavy he could get his hands on to try and dissuade the police or anyone who tried to stop his crimes.

Headstrong's rampages inevitably attracted the attention of Superior City's super heroes, and the super strong Apex was one of the few who could stand up to the brutish thug. Headstrong's destructive capability is what led Carnage to invite Frank into the Slaughterhouse Five. Ever since, Headstrong has served as the team's loyal brick. Frank is far from the cleverest person around, but he does take a perverse pleasure when he figures out a new way to use his strength in combat.


Headstrong is superhumanly strong, almost at the same level of the Man of Steel himself, Superman. He is also virtually indestructible, able to shrug off massive amounts of damage with barely a scratch.




Doublespeak is a mutant of some kind, born with two functional heads but a single brain located in his chest cavity. As an infant he was initially thought to be conjoined twins, but when his actual nature became known his parents abandoned him. The young child survived and was taken in by a traveling carnival where he was christened Doublespeak (he does not remember what his birth name was, so Doublespeak is the only name he goes by).

Growing up as part of the carnival freak show gave Doublespeak a home, but as a teenager his sonic powers emerged and his behavior became more erratic and violent. Eventually he became a danger to the carnival and the public, so Doublespeak was driven out. He probably would not have lasted long if not for Carnage. When the villain was looking for members for his team an earlier recruit, Psychotrope, led Carnage to Doublespeak. Psychotrope had operated as a psychic working with a rival carnival and had heard of the two-headed freak. The story had intrigued Carnage and he was able to locate Doublespeak and invite him into the team.

Doublespeak considers the Slaughterhouse Seven to be his family and is extremely loyal to both Carnage and Psychotrope for rescuing him. He has also developed an unhealthy and unreciprocated crush on Serpentina.


Besides the fact that he has two fully functional heads, Doublespeak also has a range of sound-based powers. The mouths of both heads can emit powerful sonic blasts with a variety of effects. The blasts can deliver a kinetic strike, delivering a physical blow, or can be pitched to affect a target's nervous system delivering intense pain or causing paralysis. He can also project sound over a distance, acting like a natural loudspeaker or throwing his voice like a ventriloquist. By pitching his sonic emissions with precision Doublespeak can produce precise counter-soundwaves that can nullify sounds in his vicinity.

Doublespeak also has superhuman hearing, able to detect frequencies outside the normal human range of hearing. His hearing is also more sensitive, able to pick up quieter sounds or those from far away with acuity. Thanks to his two heads he can also triangulate the source of sounds with great accuracy.

For some reason Doublespeak's body also seems to highly resistant to most forms of energy, possibly a result of his affinity to sonic vibrations allowing him some control over electromagnetic frequencies (the exception seems to be x-rays, gamma rays and other high frequency radiation which affects Doublespeak normally). Lastly, the fact that Doublespeak's brain is actually located in his chest means that he does not suffer concussions and similar effects from being struck in the head(s).




From her accent Serpentina comes from the Southern US, Alabama or Georgia apparently, but there are few details known to authorities about her actual history, including how she acquired and became bonded with the talisman that gives her her powers. Serpentina first appeared in Superior City when she attacked Olympiad when the hero was at a charity event. Olympiad managed to beat her, but she escaped. Serpentina would attack Olympiad on several other occasions but would evade capture each time.

Serpentina is a dangerous opponent, a seductive predator who stalks her prey and is relentless in combat. When Carnage recruited her to the Slaughterhouse Seven she quickly became one of his most trusted lieutenants. She was finally captured with the initial defeat of the Seven, but authorities could not find a way to separate her talisman from her. She remained loyal to the Seven and was part of Carnage's scheme of revenge against Superior City, after which she was once again captured and imprisoned.

While to all appearances dedicated to Carnage and the Slaughterhouse Seven, Serpentina actually has divided loyalties. Calliope Borden is a member of the Totemica, a secret cult dedicated to hunting down mystical artifacts, a fact that she shares with no one. It was the cult that gave her the talisman she wears, and she uses it in their service. Her mission in Superior City was to discover the source of Olympiad's powers, which was why she was constantly attacking him. Secrecy is the first order of the Totemica, so no effort was made to free Serpentina from prison when she was first captured and later the psychic effect that erased anyone's memories of the Seven kept her off of the cult's radar for many years. If Carnage were to learn of Serpentina's ties and loyalty to Totemica he would likely consider it a betrayal, so she still keeps the secret. What the cult will do now that the memory effect is gone and they are once again aware of their wayward daughter remains to be seen.


Calliope is bonded with a mystical talisman dedicated to a long forgotten serpent goddess. As Serpentina, bonded to the talisman, she is granted superhuman strength, resilience, agility, speed and reflexes. She also possesses a number of reptilian powers including toughened, scale-like skin; razor sharp claws on her hands and feet; the ability to climb along walls and other surfaces by adhering to them; the ability to leap large distances; and she can deliver poison through her claws or by spitting venom at a target. Serpentina herself appears to be highly resistant to toxins and she can heal rapidly and even regrow lost limbs. The talisman also gives Serpentina control over reptiles, which she can summon to her presence and command. Though it has not been obvious to those who have only known her the short time she has been in the public eye, the talisman also makes Serpentina immortal.




The Dreadnought is a robotic alien war machine from another dimension. It is a scout from the same alien race that invaded the homeworld of Astra from the Centurions and had followed her trail to Earth. Dreadnought comes from a race of machine intelligences who spread by invading worlds and consuming them for resources. Dreadnought was dispatched to learn if Earth would be a suitable candidate for invasion. Upon arriving in Superior City, the Iron Dreadnought was confronted and defeated in combat by Apex and Whiz Kid. The defeat dissuaded Dreadnought's people from carrying out any invasion as it clearly demonstrated that Earth had powerful defenders and an invasion would prove too costly to be worth the effort.

Even though the invasion plans were cancelled the Dreadnought elected to stay on Earth. It felt humiliated by the defeat at the hands of the two heroes and remained here to seek vengeance. When he was filling out the Slaughterhouse Seven, Carnage thought the Iron Dreadnought would prove to be an excellent resource and was able to track the robot down. Dreadnought for its part accepted the offer simply because it would offer the opportunity to avenge itself on Apex as well as the challenge of facing off against other heroes.

Dreadnought was imprisoned in Mercy Island Prison along with the rest of the Seven after their defeat. Its presence proved extremely beneficial to Carnage's plan, as Dreadnought could project itself into Cyberspace. Without Dreadnought being able to act as a deterrent to the Enforcers of Justice's resident techno-magician Mystère, key elements of Carnage's scheme would have been vulnerable to her powers. After Carnage's plot was thwarted Iron Dreadnought was once again incarcerated.


The Iron Dreadnought is a robotic warrior from a race of machine intelligences. Its body is made of an incredibly tough alien metal and is equipped with a wide variety of offensive, defensive, and sensory capabilities. For weaponry the Dreadnought has projectile and energy-based long range weapons as well as explosives. For close quarters combat it can release sword-like blades from its arms that are strong and sharp enough to cut through steel. For mobility the Dreadnought can run at over 200 miles per hour or fly at speeds in excess of Mach 5.

The Dreadnought's sensory systems include enhanced telescopic sight that includes thermal and night-vision capability; and enhanced audio receivers that can pick up sounds from a greater distance and at a greater range of frequency than human hearing, and can also pinpoint the source of sounds with great accuracy. Dreadnought also has sensors that act like a form of radar and can broadcast and receive radio frequencies. Dreadnought is capable of speech, and can produce sound at very loud volumes and can project its "voice" over long distances. Its computer-like mind is also capable of perfect recall.

As a robotic entity the Dreadnought does not eat or breath and is not affected by toxins, disease, and most psychic powers. It is also able to project its consciousness into Cyberspace and exert some power there through its advanced programs.

These are the most common abilities that the Dreadnought has exhibited; it has also demonstrated other functions that look like they have been tailored for specific situations. For example, to combat Mystère the Dreadnought was able to deploy drone-like entities into Cyberspace. It is believed that Dreadnought can generate these unusual technological objects from its body by reconfiguring some of its own systems.




All the members of the Slaughterhouse Seven are nuts in some way, but Crazyface is the most insane by far. No one knows where Crazyface came from or how he got his powers; he simply appeared one day wreaking havoc and cutting a swathe of destruction up and down the west coast. He first appeared in Coast City where he tangled with Green Lantern, who was able to stop Crazyface's rampage but not capture the villain. Next Crazyface began a string of destructive robberies in Star City where he was confronted by Green Arrow and Speedy, with the archers barely escaping the confrontation with their lives.

When Crazyfaces's wandering brought him to Superior City he fell under the sway of Carnage. Somehow the villain was able to hold Crazyface's attention and provide him with direction and focus. Normally Crazyface's actions are random, haphazard, and incredibly violent; half the time he does not even bother completing the crimes he starts, he just gets distracted by something and usually moves to attack and try and destroy it. Under Carnage's guidance however the lunatic Crazyface acts as a productive member of the Slaughterhouse Seven. Of course, this requires that Carnage keep tabs on Crazyface every time the Seven are out in the field; if Crazyface is out of Carnage's influence for too long he reverts to a psychotic frenzy.

Crazyface is believed to be human, or metahuman at least, but his facial features do not appear human at all. While the rest of him appears as a well-built human male his face is a pair of all-white eyes beneath a bald head and pronounced brow, with no nose and an overlarge mouth full of teeth.


Crazyface possesses superhuman strength, reflexes, and resilience. He is virtually indestructible and when he does suffer an injury he can heal all but the most severe hurts almost instantly. Crazyface also has the ability to spin around at superhuman speeds. When this is combined with his super strength and invulnerability it turns him into a living tornado of destruction. The source of Crazyface's powers is a mystery. His one weakness seems to relate to his insanity; Crazyface is more susceptible than average to psychic attacks, which are one of the few ways to stop his rampages. Crazyface also seems to have an irrational fear of cats and of stage magicians, though the root source of these phobias is also unknown.