Action Table and Result Table
If the AV and OV of an Action Check are different values but fall in the same column before Column Shifts are applied,
add or subtract 1 from the Success Number, depending on if the AV is lower or higher than the OV.
Similarly, add or subtract 1 from the RAPs if the EV and RV are different but fall in the same column before Column Shifts.
Hero Points
Altering the Game Environment
A Player may spend Hero Points to make changes to the surrounding area. For example: if Dr. Midnite is being attacked by
Solomon Grundy, the Player using him could spend Hero Points to have a beaker of acid conveniently available within reach to
use. The exact cost is up to the GM. The above example would cost 5 or 10 Hero Points. A more extensive request would cost
more or could be refused.
Automatic Actions
Pushing Automatic Actions
Make an Action Check with AV/EV and OV/RV equal to the APs of the Ability or Power. Any RAPs gained are added to that ability
for 1 round (1 AP of time) and the maximum APs a pushed Ability or Power can reach is the highest value of the column two columns
higher than the original APs. In addition, the Player must pay a special "Push Fee" of 3 Hero Points per AP added. In
order to conserve Hero Points, a Player need not apply all RAPs. If the attempt fails then the ability "burns out" and
is reduced to 0 APs and must be Recovered.
Automatic Actions vs. Dice Actions
If there is a chance that an Automatic Action will fail it comes a Dice Action. Use the Universal Modifier Table to determine
the OV/RV. The RAPs gained are the used as the APs of the Power or Ability for that attempt.
Going For Broke
Use the Going For Broke modifiers when attempting a make a "devastating attack" or similar Dice Action in non-combat.
Use DEX (up to 4 APs, 3 APs in water) or APs of movement Power to determine the character's movement rate.
Moving characters must accelerate before reaching their full speed. For each action spent accelerating, a character is
considered to be moving at 1 AP faster than before. Decelerating takes place at 2 APs per action.
Regardless of the number of actions (see below) that a character may take in a round, they may never move more than their APs
of movement that round.
Throwing Things
- Throwing Distance = STR - Weight
- Throwing Speed = Weight - STR
- Escape Velocity = 15 APs
Carrying Things
A character can move at full speed if weight does not exceed STR, or speed - 1 AP if the item weighs 1 AP more than the
character's STR. Objects weighing more than 1 AP greater than the character's STR cannot be lifted unless the character pushes
his STR. If the character is Pushing his STR then the item can weigh no more than the character's pushed STR and the character's
movement is reduced by the amount over his normal STR that the object weighs (in APs).
Breaking Things
- STR/STR or APs of Power as AV/EV, object's BODY/BODY as OV/RV
- For large objects, subtract Height/2 from the OV
- For small objects use DEX/STR as AV/EV (or APs of Power) against OV determined by using the Shrinking Power chart on
p.49 of DC Heroes 3rd Edition.
I. Definitions & Time
Round: a round is the standard "unit" of combat. Initiative is rolled once per round. A round is approximately
1 AP of time in length (approx. 10 seconds).
Phase: a phase is a sub-section of a round. What a character got for initiative will determine during which phases he will
be able to perform an Action
II. Actions
Initiative is determined by rolling 1d10 open-ended and adding it to the Character's Initiative attribute. The total divided by
10 (round down, minimum of 1 action) is the number of Actions the character may perform during that round of combat.
Using number of actions the character may act that round as base, use the following table to determine what phases that
character's actions take place in. During that phase the character may perform 2 Automatic Actions and 1 Dice Action.
Table: Action Sequence
Phase |
# of Actions |
10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
1 | * | | | | | | | | | |
2 | * | * | * | * | * | * | | | | |
3 | * | * | * | * | | | * | | | |
4 | * | * | * | | * | * | | * | | |
5 | * | * | * | * | * | | * | | * | |
6 | * | * | | * | | * | | | | |
7 | * | * | * | | * | | | * | | |
8 | * | * | * | * | | * | * | | | |
9 | * | * | * | * | * | | | | | |
10 | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * | * |
III. Combat Sequence
1. Activate Automatic Powers
- counts as one Automatic Action
- only defensive Powers (Force Field, Icing, Invisibility, Two-Dimensionality, Dispersal, Force Shield, Mental Shield, etc.)
may be activated at this point. Insta-Change may also be used here.
- an Automatic Power cannot be deactivated and reactivated in a single phase.
2. Roll for Initiative
- roll D10, (open-ended) add to INITIATIVE attribute
- on a tie, use higher INT
- Hero Points may be used to increase Initiative, but must be declared before the die is rolled and the cost is based on the
cost to raise AV/EV/OV/RV as determined by the Genre.
3. Perform Actions
- Step through the phases for the round using the Action Sequence Table. A * indicates what phases a character may perform
actions in, based on their Initiative for the round.
- If multiple characters have actions in the same phase, the character with the highest Initiative performs their actions first.
- An action does not have to be performed in the phase indicated. Actions may be held and performed in any other phase prior
to the characters next action. Held actions can be performed at any time during subsequent phases, and if desired by the player can
occur before any other actions that phase (except other held actions, in which case the higher Initiative will always win).
For example: Batman has 3 actions this round. His actions would occur during Phases 4, 7, and 10. If he wishes, Batman's player
could hold his action and perform it instead during phase 5 or 6. If the held action has not been used by phase 7 (Batman's next
action) then it is lost.
4. Make Recovery Checks
IV. Combat Basics
Actions, Results, and Column Shifts
- An attack roll is considered a "hit" if the attacker rolls equal to or higher than the target number according
to the Action Chart. Whether the attack causes damage or not is another matter.
- If the EV of the attack is equal to or greater than the defender's RV then the attack will do full damage (all APs). If
the EV of the attack is less than the target's Resistance attribute then the target will take no damage unless the attacker
gains sufficient Column Shifts to affect him (see below) Some Powers and Gadgets will reduce the amount of damage the defender
takes by their AP rating. Some of these Powers defend only against specific types of attacks, like Energy Absorption and Flame
Immunity while others protect against all Attacks of one group (Physical, Mental, or Mystical), like Force Field and Gadgets
with italicized BODY attributes.
- Column Shifts can be used to counter the defenses of the target and thus enable the attacker to damage an opponent they
might not normally be able to affect. This is done by first applying the Column Shifts to any active Defensive Powers. The
rating of the Power is dropped by the number of Column Shifts attained. If the Power is reduced to 0 APs and there are still
unused Column Shifts, these Shifts are applied to the next Power until all Defensive Powers are reduced to 0 APs or there are
no other Column Shifts. If a Power is not reduced to zero, its value for the purposes of negating damage will be the middle
value of the column it has been reduced to (round up). Defensive Powers are affected in a specific order. Column Shifts are
taken off of Force Fields and Force Shields first, followed by specific attack resistances (like Energy Absorption and Flame
Immunity), followed by more generic defenses. For example:
- If all defensive powers have been reduced to zero and there are still unused Column Shifts then these shifts can be used
to counter the opponents natural RV. Apply remaining Column Shifts to the target's RV. If the initial EV of the attack was
less than the target's RV then any RAPs from the Result Table are done as damage. If the EV was equal to or greater than the
RV then full damage is done and the only way more damage can be done is if the Column Shifts drop the RV into the +1 column
of the Result Table. Either way, if the Column Shifts drop the RV into the +1 Column, the maximum damage that can be done is
twice the APs of the Power (so if it has already been doubled by spending Hero Points, it won't do any more damage no matter
how many Column Shifts were gained).
- Instead of using Column Shifts to reduce an opponents defenses, it can be used to make them more susceptible to Knockback
and Stun results (see below).
V. Damage
Attacks are defined as Physical, Mental, or Mystical based on the type of damage they do.
It should be noted that the terms Resistance Attribute and Resistance Value (RV) are not interchangeable.
Resistance Attribute refers to one of BODY, MIND, or SPIRIT while Resistance Value or RV refers to the value
of the Resistance attribute modified by any Powers (like Density Increase or Growth).
- Characters have three Health values, Physical, Mental, and Mystical. They are calculated by adding up the three Attributes
of the group (DEX, STR, and BODY for Physical; INT, WILL, and MIND for Mental; INFL, AURA, and SPIRIT for Mystical). Damage is
subtracted from the appropriate Health value giving the Current Condition. When any Current Condition is reduced to zero or less
the character is unconscious. If the Current Condition reaches a negative value greater than the Resistance Attribute then the
Character is in danger of dying.
Bashing and Killing Combat
- Bashing damage is subtracted from the appropriate Health value. If enough Bashing damage is done to put a character's
Health to a negative value greater than the Resistance Attribute, then excess damage is taken from the Resistance Attribute
itself. If this value drops to below negative its original value then the character is dead.
- Killing Damage is subtracted from Health, but a single attack can also kill. If a Killing Attack does damage equal to or
greater than the RV (meaning Powers like Density Increase and Growth can help) then the Character must make a Death Save or be
killed by the shock. A Death Save is an Action Check with the APs of the RV as AV/EV and the APs of the Killing Attack as OV/RV.
If the check fails (no RAPs) then the character has been killed (from shock). If positive RAPs are gained, subtract them from
the APs of the attack. If the result is > zero then this is how many APs of time the character is out of action. APs of the
Invulnerability power will add to the AV and EV for the Death Save.
- If the Current Condition was reduced to below zero in Killing Combat then it drops by one every 8 APs (16 minutes) of time
until the Current Condition has been raised to 0 or higher through Recovery or Surgery, or the character dies (Current Condition
drops to a negative value greater than the Resistance Attribute).
- If a character has taken a mix of Bashing and Killing damage, the Player should keep track of how much damage was of each
type. This information will be necessary for Recovery rolls.
- Unless a Power has a special Limitation preventing it, a character does not have to use the full APs of the Power as the EV.
Last Ditch Defense
- The maximum amount of damage that can be negated by spending Hero Points is the original APs of the Resistance Value or ½
of the APs of the incoming attack, whichever is less.
- A character who takes an amount of damage equal to or greater than the Resistance Attribute in a single attack may be stunned,
even if part or all of the damage was negated through Last Ditch Defense. To determine if the character is stunned, check on the Action
Table with the character's Resistance Attribute as AV and the APs of the attack as OV. The character must roll equal to or higher than
the target number to avoid being stunned. If the roll is less than the target number then for each Column the roll missed by the
character is stunned 1 phase (minimum of 1). If the number of stun phases is greater than the character's Resistance Attribute then the
character is knocked unconscious for APs of time equal to the number of stun phases over his R.A. A roll of double-1's results in a
number of stun phases equal to the EV of the attack, unless the Column count is greater, then it is used.
- The attacker can choose to apply any Column Shifts gained in the attack against the defender's AV for their attempt to avoid being
- A stunned character can make no Dice Action in the phases they are stunned. Stun phases take effect immediately and are counted
against phases the character has (or would have had) an action in. If the character has more stun phases than actions left in the
round they were stunned then the remaining stun phases carry over to the next round. OV and RV are unaffected and Automatic Actions may
be performed at the GM's discretion.
- Stun phases can be desperation recovered during the recovery portion of the round. Allow the stunned character to remake the stun
roll, with -1 C.S. to the OV for every stun phase that has already passed. Stun recovery costs 15 Hero Points.
- Knockout is a special type of attack where the attacker is attempting to render the defender unconscious without resorting to
beating them to that point. Knockout attacks are resolved on the Result chart with EV being the APs of the attack and RV being the
APs of the defender's Resistance Attribute (+ modifiers). RAPs gained are the number of phases the character is stunned for. If
RAPs exceed the APs of the Resistance Attribute then the defender is knocked unconscious for APs of time equal to the RAPs over the
APs of the RV. Knockout attacks will also cause Bashing damage if applicable and some Gadgets, like Batman and Robin's Knockout
Pellets, could be considered to be Knockout only.
Attacking a Power
- As an option, a GM may allow a Power to be attacked directly. The most obvious example of this is attacking a Force Field
directly and trying to bring it down rather than attack the person the field surrounds. In these cases, the APs of the Power are
the OV and RV and damage is done to the Current Condition of the Power. The damaged Power will operate at the level of its Current
Condition until APs are regained through recovery.
VI. Recovery
Resting Recovery
- Bashing Damage: roll after 1 hour (10 APs)
- Killing Damage: roll after 24 hours (15 APs)
- Resting Recovery is always performed after the appropriate amount of time has passed since the last time damage was incurred.
Desperation Recovery
- At the end of any round a character can make a Desperation Recovery check.
- If Current Condition is zero or above , the cost is 15 Hero Points.
- If the Current Condition is below zero then the cost is 10 Hero Points if the damage was done in Bashing Combat or 1 Hero Point
if the damage was done in Killing Combat. In either case, Desperation cannot raise the Current Condition above zero. Also, if the
damage was done in Killing Combat, no further Desperation Recovery checks may be made once the Current Condition has been raised to
zero until a Resting Recovery roll has been made.
- The Hero Point cost for Desperation Recovery can be paid by the injured character, or another character so long as the character
paying is touching the one who wishes to recover.
Medical Treatment
- First Aid is used to delay additional damage from Killing Combat (every 8 APs).
- AV/EV = APs of Medicine(First Aid), OV/RV is the amount of Killing damage to the Current Condition.
- RAPs are the amount of time before more Killing damage is sustained through bleeding, etc.
- Medical Treatment is used to help heal damage of all kinds (Physical, Mental, or Mystical).
- AV/EV is the APs of the skill, OV/RV is the total amount of damage sustained or the APs of the patient's Resistance Attribute,
whichever is less.
- RAPs are added to RAPs from normal Recovery checks (see skill description), but the total amount of damage healed cannot exceed
double the patient's APs of Resistance Attribute.
- If the patient has had their Health reduced below zero by Killing damage or has suffered BODY loss due to excess Bashing damage
then Medical Treatment cannot be used, Surgery must be used instead.
- Medical Treatment rolls to help heal Bashing damage can be made once per day, to heal Killing damage, rolls can be made once
per week.
- Surgery is necessary when the Health has been reduced to below zero by Killing damage or the BODY Current Condition has been r
educed by excessive Bashing damage.
- AV/EV is the APs of the skill, OV/RV is the amount of Killing damage sustained or the total number of APs of BODY lost.
- RAPs are the amount of points restored. The maximum number of points that can be healed by Surgery checks is the total amount
of Killing damage/BODY loss.
- If the patient is an alien or metahuman with a physiology different from normal humans then the OV/RV should be modified for
difficulty based on the Universal modifiers table, unless the character with the Medicine skill also has the Genius Advantage.
- A character is dead when any Health Current Condition is reduced to a negative value greater than the Resistance Attributes
normal maximum by Killing damage, or if the Resistance Attribute is reduced to a negative value greater than its normal maximum by
excess Bashing damage (see above).
- Characters with the First Aid, Medical Treatment, or Surgery sub-skills can attempt to revive a dead character. OV/RV of the
attempt is equal to the number of APs past the death threshold the Current Condition is plus the APs of time since the character
died. If the attempt is being made with First Aid, or with Medical Treatment or Surgery without proper equipment, then the OV/RV
is increased by +2. If the patient has Invulnerability then the APs of that power can be added to the AV/EV of the attempt.
- If the RAPs are greater than the number of APs the character is past the Death Threshold then the patient's Current Condition
is raised to exactly negative APs equal to the Resistance Attribute. If the RAPs were insufficient, then further attempts can be
made at +1 C.S. to the OV/RV per additional attempt.
- A revived character will remain at that Current Condition until a Resting Recovery roll has been made. No Desperation Recovery
is allowed until the first Resting Recovery has been made.
Making a Recovery Check
- AV/EV is the APs of the Resistance Attribute.
- If Current Condition is zero or above then the OV/RV is the APs of the Resistance Attribute or how far below maximum the
Current Condition (Health) is, whichever is less, otherwise the OV/RV is equal to the amount that the Current Condition is below
zero. RAPs are added to the Current Condition. If Current Condition was below zero, then the maximum it can be raised to on a
single recovery roll is zero. To regain consciousness (raise Current Condition above zero), additional Recovery rolls must be
- If the Resistance Attribute has been reduced due to excess Bashing damage, Health cannot be recovered until the Resistance
attribute has been recovered. As with Killing damage, Recovery rolls for Resistance attributes can be made once every 15 APs (1 day).
Recovery of Damage to Powers and Attributes
- If the APs of Power were lost through "burnout" from Pushing the Power then a Recovery roll can be made after 1 hour
(10 APs). If the Powers were drained by Power Drain then Recovery Rolls are made once per day (15 APs). The amount of time before
a Recovery roll can be made for APs lost due to a Loss Vulnerability are determined by the Loss Vulnerability Drawback itself.
- AV/EV = Normal APs of the Power, OV/RV = the number of APs of Power lost, RAPs are added to current level of Power or Attribute.
- For Desperation Recovery of lost APs of a Power, the cost is 25 Hero Points instead of the usual 15.
VII. Knockback
- Whenever a Physical attack does damage, there is a chance that the target will be knocked back from the force of the blow. In
order for Knockback to occur, the EV of the attack must be equal to or greater than the target's BODY before any Column Shifts are
applied. If the target takes damage, he might also suffer Knockback.
- To determine if he is knocked back, the target makes an Action Check with AV equal his BODY and OV equal to the EV of the
incoming attack. This is similar to the roll to resist Stun (see above). If the roll is failed, then the number of Columns the
roll failed by is the distance in APs the target is knocked back. The maximum distance a target can be knocked back is equal to the
attacker's APs of STR or the APs of the attacking Power minus the target's weight plus one.
- Maximum Distance = APs - (Weight + 1).
Knockback Damage
- If there is an obstacle in the path of the Knocked back character, both target and obstacle may take damage. Make an Action
Check using the values below. The same die roll can be used to determine damage for both the target and the obstacle.
- For the target, AV = APs of Knockback and EV = BODY of the obstacle, and the OV and RV is the target's BODY.
- For the obstacle, AV = APs of Knockback and EV = the target's BODY, OV and RV are the obstacle's BODY.
- If the obstacle takes no damage, or has Hardened Defenses, then the Knocked back character is stopped and does not continue moving.
- If the obstacle takes at least 1 point of damage, or is destroyed (BODY reduced to zero or less) then the character goes through
the obstacle and continues moving. Using the obstacle's current BODY as EV and the APs of Knockback as RV, check the result table.
Any RAPs indicated will be subtracted from the APs of Knockback for purposes of determining AV for any other collisions.
- The target will continue to move until a distance in APs equal to APs of Knockback has been traveled, the character has been stopped
by an obstacle, or the AV of the Knockback has been reduced to zero or less by collisions.
- Damage from indirect Knockback is considered Killing damage. Planned Knockback (see Combat Maneuvers) damage is Bashing unless
declared otherwise.
VIII. Combat Maneuvers
A. Critical Blow
- Target receives +2 C.S. to OV but -3 C.S. to RV.
- Critical Blows can be used in conjunction with any other sort of attack.
B. Devastating Attack
- Target receives +4 C.S. to OV but -6 C.S. to RV.
- Devastating Attacks can be used in conjunction with any other sort of attack.
C. Flailing Attack
- A type of attack where the attacker is more concerned with hitting than doing damage.
- Target receives -2 C.S. to OV but +3 C.S. to RV.
- Flailing Attacks can be used in conjunction with Grappling, Multi-, and Team Attacks.
D. Grappling Attacks
- A Grapple is an attempt to grab and hold an opponent, thus limiting their ability to perform actions.
- AV/EV = DEX/STR, OV/RV = DEX/BODY, if RAPs are earned the Grapple is successful.
- If RAPs exceeded the target's BODY then the attacker can choose to inflict damage on the target using the EV of the Grapple as
- Until the Grapple is broken, both the attacker and defender can Physically attack only each other.
- Grappled Characters use their STR as AV and OV, as well as for their EV, while engaging in Physical Combat.
- Grappled Characters can move at a rate of APs of movement - APs of Grappler's STR.
- Attacks made by Grappling Characters do not cause Knockback.
- To break a Grapple the grappled character must make a successful Action Check with AV/EV = STR/STR of breaker and OV/RV = STR/STR
of opponent.
E. Multi-Attack
- A Multi-Attack is an attempt to damage several opponents with a single attack.
- Only a single attack roll is made. For the OV and EV of the attack use the highest values of all the targets plus the Column
Shifts indicated by the Multi-Attack table.
- Damage done is equal to the RAPs earned (not the EV of the attack) and is applied to all targets.
- In hand to hand combat, the maximum number of targets is equal to the attacker's APs of movement.
- Multi-Attacks can be combined with other forms of special attacks.
F. Sweep Attack
- A Sweep Attack is a special form of Multi-Attack using large physical objects to strike many targets in one swing. The object
must be at least 1 AP in length to be used in a Sweep Attack.
- All Multi-Attack penalties apply, but apply a special -1 C.S. to OV and, if the object is larger than the area the target is
in, a -1 C.S. to RV.
- The EV for a Sweep Attack is determined by the rules for using clubs (see below).
- If the RAPs from the Sweep Attack are greater than the object's BODY then the object is destroyed.
G. Team Attack
- Apply the OV Column Shifts from the Team Attack table.
- All attackers roll separately.
- The attacks occur during the next available action phase of the team member with the lowest initiative.
H. Pulling a Punch
- Pulling a Punch is used to limit any potential Knockback. We don't necessarily want to send that poor villain sailing through
any plate-glass windows, do we?
- The opponent gets +1 C.S. to their RV, but if the attack is successful and Knockback is indicated, the attacker can specify how
much, if any, Knockback should be applied.
I. Planned Knockback
- Planned Knockback is an attack used to send the target flying rather than to do damage. In order to do Planned Knockback, the
attack form must be one capable of doing Physical damage and the EV must be higher than the target's BODY (the exception being some
Martial Arts maneuvers).
- The attack roll is resolved normally, but instead of taking the full EV of the attack as damage, the target is knocked back a
distance in APs equal to the RAPs earned by the attack, up to the maximum Knockback distance (see Knockback above).
- If any Column Shifts are earned, the number of Column Shifts is how much damage the target takes. Armor, Force Fields, etc.
will counter this damage.
- As with normal Knockback, the target can try to resist. In this case, subtract any RAPs earned from the resistance attempt
from the RAPs earned by the Planned Knockback attempt. If the result is zero or less then the character is not knocked back,
otherwise he is knocked back a distance equal to the remaining RAPs.
J. Charging Attack
- A Charge attack is a physical attack where the attacker tries to do more damage by running headlong into the target at full
speed rather than just hitting them.
- In order to make a charge attack, the attacker must move at least 1 AP of distance towards the target.
- The AV of the attack is the attacker's DEX or APs of movement Power while the EV is the attacker's APs of BODY or Defensive Power
(like Skin Armor or Force Field). OV/RV of the attempt is the target's DEX/BODY.
- If the target's BODY or APs of Defensive Power are high enough, the attacker may take damage from the Charge. If, after Column
Shifts, the attack still does not cause any damage to the target, then the attacker suffers the EV.
- A special type of Charge, called dive-bombing, can be performed by flying characters. In these cases the attacker gains +1 C.S.
to the AV of the attack.
K. Take Away
- Take Away is an attempt to grab an object away from a target.
- +2 C.S. to OV, +1 C.S. to RV
- Positive RAPs indicate success. If the RAPs are greater than the BODY of the object grabbed then the object may be damaged.
L. Trick Shot
- A Trick Shot is an attempt to gain a specific effect with an attack (like knocking the lens out of a security camera with a
Baterang or snagging a flag pole with a Rope Arrow as you plummet from the rooftop).
- +2 C.S. to OV, or higher (use Universal Modifier Table)
- Positive RAPs indicate success, and damage if applicable.
M. Groundstrike
- This tactic is used by character's with powerful energy attacks or Killing damage only ranged attacks. Instead of attacking the
target directly, the attack is directed at the ground around the target. A Groundstrike can only be used if the APs of the attack are
greater than the BODY of the ground.
- Resolve the attack normally, but use the BODY of the ground as EV.
N. Shockwave
- A Shockwave is a variation on the Groundstrike used by characters with high STR. The character hits the ground, hard. Everyone
(and everything) within up to 2 APs of the attacker suffers a Charge attack, with the attacker's STR as EV instead of BODY. The attack
does no actual damage, but any Stun and Knockback results to take effect.
O. Combining Attacks
- Character's can attempt to increase their effectiveness by combining their powers or abilities in order to make a single attack
with higher EV than any of them could do individually. This is accomplished by several characters hitting the same target at the same
time in the same location.
- The EV of attacks being combined cannot have been increased by Hero Point expenditure. If the APs of the two attacks being combined
are within one Column of each other then the attack is resolved with the EV of the higher one being increased by 1 Column. All characters
participating must make a successful Trick Shot before the final EV is determined.
- As with Team Attack, the Combined Attack is resolved based on the lowest Initiative of the participating characters.
IX. Defensive Combat Maneuvers
A. Block
- the defender must have an object to block with and have at least one Dice Action left that round. The intention to Block must be
declared before the attacker rolls to hit. The character must have the ability to carry the object in order to block with it (i.e.
normal humans cannot Block with a car).
- the attacker makes his attack roll normally. If he chooses, the attacker can apply any Column Shifts gained from the roll to the
AV of the Block attempt. If used in this manner the attacker may not use the Column Shifts against the Defender's RV.
- a Block is a Dice Action with AV/EV = defender's DEX and OV/RV = AV of the incoming attack modified by:
Approximate Size of Object | OV and RV Column Shifts |
Human Hand | +1 |
Small Shield | 0 |
Garbage Can Lid | -1 |
Desk, Small table | -2 |
Door | -3 |
Automobile | -4 |
Semi truck | -5 |
House | -6 |
- if the Block is successful (earns RAPs) then resolve damage with the blocking object's BODY as RV. Damage is applied to the
object's Current BODY Condition.
- unless the object was designed for Blocking, like a shield or sword, then it can no longer be used to Block if it has taken any
damage after a Block attempt.
- if the object is destroyed, the attack carries through to the defender. The defender takes damage equal to the APs of Damage
greater than the blocking object's BODY.
- if the block attempt was unsuccessful, resolve the attack with a -2 C.S. to OV.
- more than one incoming attack can be Blocked in a single phase. The defender makes a single Block roll using the Multi-Attack rules.
- this maneuver is not to be confused with the Martial Arts Block maneuver.
B. Dodge
- +1 C.S. to OV, or add APs of Acrobatics(Dodging)
- no Dice Actions are allowed during a phase in which a Character is Dodging
C. Taking Cover
- Taking Cover is the art of diving behind a very solid object in the hopes of avoiding an incoming attack.
- there must be adequate cover within the range of the character's APs of movement.
- the attempt is resolved as a Block with AV/EV being the defender's DEX or APs of movement Power.
- afterwards, provided the defender remains behind cover, the attacker must destroy the cover (need only do 1 AP of damage to it)
to hit the defender unless a Trick Shot is used to bypass the cover.
X. Initiative Maneuvers
Initiative maneuvers can only be used if the attacker has a higher Initiative that round than the defender.
A. Pressing the Attack
- both defender and attacker suffer -1 C.S to OV
B. Laying Back
- both attacker and defender get +1 C.S. to OV
XI. Special Combat Situations
A. Weapons
- The character usually uses their APs of DEX or their Weaponry skill as AV.
- Clubs: if the object does not have an EV, use its APs of BODY, or the attacker's STR + 1 C.S. as EV, whichever is lower.
B. Surprise
- Characters get a special Perception Check to detect ambush/trap
- AV/EV = INT/WILL of defender
OV/RV = INT/WILL of attacker
Military Science(Danger Recognition) or certain Powers may be substituted for AV/EV
- surprised Characters may not take any Actions for the first phase of combat
- -2 C.S. to OV
C. Blindside
- Target is at -1 C.S. to OV until source of attack can be located.
D. Darkness
- In natural darkness, shapes can be recognized up to 100 yards (5 APs) away, 6 APs under a full moon.
- Even if seen, the defender receives a +2 C.S. to OV.
- Certain Powers can increase vision in darkness.
E. Underwater
- While underwater, all characters receive +1 C.S. to their RV for all Dice Actions involving movement, including Knockback.
- All movement is reduced by -2 to except the Swimming Power.
- For each AP over 5 APs of depth, Characters suffer a Killing Attack with AV/EV = APs of depth and OV/RV = STR/BODY. An
additional attack occurs for every additional AP of depth descended.
- All characters suffer -5 to Initiative. APs of Water Freedom can counter this penalty.
- A Character may hold his breath for up to 5 APs of time. Beyond this time, the Character must make an Action Check with
AV/EV = STR/STR and OV/RV = BODY/BODY. RAPs, up to 5, are the APs of time before the character begins taking damage. Once this
time has elapsed, or if no RAPs were earned, the Character takes 1 point of Killing damage every minute (4 APs) until unconscious,
at which point the character is droning and takes 1 point of Killing damage per phase until dead. Unconscious characters automatically
begin drowning if immersed in liquid.
- Normal vision is limited to 5 APs, with an additional -1 AP per 2 APs of depth.
- There is a penalty of -2 APs to the Range of items that are not continuously propelled.
- All characters receive +2 C.S. to OV for all attacks, and some Powers may not be effective at all under water.
- 12 APs or greater or Running or Superspeed allows a character to run across the surface of water as if it were solid.
F. Space
- All attacks are resolved with +3 C.S. to OV, +2 if the Character has a means of controlling their position, +1 if the Character
has Vehicles(Space Craft). There is a minimum of +1 regardless.
- Some Powers may be less or non-effective in space.
- Without Sealed Systems, a character will suffocate. Use drowning rules, with a +2 C.S. to OV unless the Character has
Vehicles (Space Craft).
- Only Flight Power allows free movement in space. Pushing off objects requires a Perception check against OV/RV of 8/8 (6/6 if
Character has Vehicles(Space Craft)). Failure indicates that the Character is drifting with a speed equal to STR, up to a maximum
speed equal to the weight of the object pushed off of or the EV of the weapon fired.
- Characters moving as above will continue to move in the same direction until grabbed, pushed, or they impact with something.
Treat impact as a Charge with AV/EV = speed and OV/RV = BODY/BODY.
- Thrown objects and projectiles have unlimited potential range, but target must be within sight. Add APs beyond maximum range
to the OV. Telescopic Vision will extend the range to the APs of the Power.
G. Falling
- AV/EV = APs of distance x 3
- OV/RV = character's BODY
- Any damage done is Killing damage.
H. Explosives
- Explosions inflict full damage to everyone in target area, up to a radius of 10 feet (0 APs).
- The attack is reduced by -2 C.S. to AV/EV per AP away.
- Each target in the area of effect is attacked separately.
- Explosive attacks are usually considered Killing Combat.
I. Fires, Collisions, and Natural Disasters
- Fires
- Damage from fire is always Killing damage.
- The AV/EV of the fire is from 3/3 to 8/8, depending on the intensity.
- Fires can be "attacked" with water. AV/EV = volume of water, OV/RV = flame's AV/EV. RAPs are subtracted from the flame's AV/EV.
- The AV/EV of the fire will increase by 1/1 each AP of time until 8/8 is reached or until the fire is extinguished.
- Earthquakes
- Earthquakes use the Earth Control Power for AV/EV, rated at 6 to 25 APs depending on the intensity of the quake.
- Earthquakes last from 0 to 12 APs of time.
- The AV/EV is lessened with distance from the epicenter as with Explosives.
- Quakes can be countered by strong character with OV/RV = APs of the quake. This is only effective in the immediate area of the
character. To counter the whole quake the effort would have to be made at the epicenter.
- Tornado
- Tornadoes use the Air Control Power at 7 to 15 APs with a ground speed of 7 APs, randomly shifting direction.
- Anyone in the tornado's path is attacked. RAPs are distance of Knockback inflicted as well as the damage taken.
- Anyone within 10 APs has a 1 in 10 chance of being hit by a 7 AP Lightning bolt each phase.
- Hurricane
- Hurricanes use the Air Control Power at 7 to 18 APs. They function as a Tornado except that it affects everything within a
radius equal to the APs of Air Control.
- Hurricanes usually take 8 to 10 APs of time to pass over an area.
- Poisonous Gas or Radioactive Gas Leaks
- These phenomena have the Fog Power at 7 to 25 APs.
- The APs also function as AV/EV of an Acid or Poison Touch attack against all living targets exposed to the cloud. Skin Armor
offers no protection, but Sealed Systems will.
- Collisions
- Treat Collisions as a Charging attack.
J. High Speed Movement
- Using Flight or any other movement power at 9 APs of more in an atmosphere produces a sonic boom. Treat as a Sonic Beam attack
along the flight path with a radius and APs of attack equal to the APs of movement minus 8.
- Movement over 15 APs in an atmosphere may damage the Character and the environment. Each phase the Character (and any Characters
or objects he is carrying) are attacked with AV/EV = APs of movement over 15, doubled, and OV/RV equal to BODY/BODY. Sealed Systems
adds to the OV/RV. Damage to the environment is up to the GM.
- APs of Dispersal are subtracted from all side effects listed above.
K. Throwing Things
- AV = DEX or Weaponry(Missile), EV is determined as with Clubs (see above).
- OV/RV = DEX/BODY of target.
L. Throwing People
- In order to throw a person, the attacker must first make a successful Grapple. On a subsequent phase they may throw the target.
- The distance thrown is determined by the Throwing Objects rule. Resolve damage as Knockback equal to the distance thrown.
M. Aiming
- If a character sacrifices a Dice Action for a phase to aim at a target, they get -1 C.S. to the OV of the attack for each phase
spent aiming, up to -3.
- If the aiming character is distracted before they can make the attack then all accumulated aiming bonuses are lost.
N. Luring
- Luring is an attempt to get an attacker to deliberately fire at them in order to cause the attack to hit something else.
- The defender deliberately taunts the attacker in an attempt to make himself the target. The attacker will receive a +2 C.S.
bonus to the AV of the attack. The defender takes whatever defensive action they want. If the attack misses the defender, then the
attack will hit whatever was behind the defender (defender's choice).
O. Range
Category | Distance | OV Modifier | RV Modifier |
Point Blank | touching | -1 Column Shift | -1 Column Shift |
Short | - 3 APs or less | no modifier | no modifier |
Medium | last 3 APs | +1 Column Shift | no modifier |
Long | +1 AP | +2 Column Shift | no modifier |
XII. Perception Checks
- Perception checks rolled by the GM, with the AV/EV = INT/WILL. The OV/RV depends on what is being observed.